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Saturday, November 14, 2015

~ Hong Kong ~

Posted by Unknown at 11/14/2015 11:34:00 PM 0 comments
Souvenir from Hong KOng!!!
Thank you my beloved sister  

Here is my sister's video that snap when going to Hong Kong Trip !
It is very funny and Interesting.
 You may know more about Hongkong after watching this,

Episod 1

Episod 2

Episod 3

Stay tuned for more episod~

You can find more video by click >>>>Janness Heart

Friday, November 13, 2015

~ Taiping Zoo ~

Posted by Unknown at 11/13/2015 08:24:00 PM 0 comments
It holiday!
Bring my friend who came from Johor to visits to famous Zoo Taiping from my hometown.

                                             Enjoy my video~

Taiping zoo is the oldest zoo in Malaysia , established in 1961 at Bukit Larut, Taiping, Perak. The zoo cover some 34 acres of land to exhibit approximately 1300 animals. It also has a night safari which begin from 8p.m.

Operating hours
8.30am to 6.00pm (everyday including public holiday)

Night safari
8.00 to 11.00 p.m 
Open every night including Public Holidays

8.00 to 12.00 a.m
On Saturday nights and eve of Public Holidays.

Admission Fees:

Zoo Taiping & Night Safari
Jalan Taman Tasik Taiping, 34000 Taiping, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
Tel: 605 - 8086577  Fax: 605 - 806 6025   
e-mail :
Click for more information >>>


Ticket counter

For visitor who come from Taiping the price ticket will be cheaper - RM13.50

Souvenir Shop 

Food shop

Map for visitors

Visitors can queue up to wake the free mini train to visit around the Zoo

There is a pavilion at the middle, for those who are tired can have a rest, 

Playground inside

There are many types of animal inside Zoo

~ Bye bye ~

~Home sweet home~

Posted by Unknown at 11/13/2015 01:53:00 AM 0 comments

                                                                       Enjoy my video ^^

Finally semester break is end. T.T
I am very enjoy my up to 10 days of holidays~~
It is easy to feel the days have flown by all too quickly.
Not willing to leave my sweet home.
Eating homemade breakfast, lunch......

♥                 ♥             ♥         

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

~爆漿蛋吐司 Egg-in-a-Hole-Toast~

Posted by Unknown at 11/11/2015 07:18:00 PM 0 comments

Weekday mornings call for a simple, satisfying breakfast. Get your protein and carbs with this quick classic that almost no family member, regardless of age, can refuse.

I would like to sharing my favorite breakfast:  egg in the hole toast ♥  

My sister always cook me this when I went back home ♥  

Below are the recipe how to prepare egg in the hole toast. 


  • 1 slice of your favorite kind of bread
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 egg
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • 1
     Cut a round hole in the center of a slice of bread with a biscuit or cookie cutter. (You can even use the rim of a small glass.)

  • 2Use knife or spoon to cut according the circumference.

  • 3
    Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a nonstick skillet over medium heat.

  • 4Add the bread and cook until it’s toasted. Flip, adding more butter to the      pan.

  • 5
    Crack an egg on a flat surface (for a cleaner break). Drop the egg gently in the hole. 

  • 6
    Season with salt and pepper. Cover and cook until set but still soft. Serve warm.
  • 7

  • Enjoy the video

  • The total time of preparation until serve just only 1o minutes~~ Have a try . It is very easy.

  • ♥                 ♥             ♥         

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) Taiping Kathina

Posted by Unknown at 11/08/2015 11:24:00 PM 3 comments


That was my third times attended Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) Taiping Kathina.(护法苑咖提那) .

Kathina is a Buddhist festival which comes at the end of Vassa, the three-month rainy season retreat for Theravada Buddhists. The season during which a monastery may hold Kathina is one month long, beginning after the full moon of the eleventh month in the Lunar calendar (usually October).

It is a time of giving, for the laity to express gratitude to bhikkhus (Buddhist monks). Lay Buddhists bring donations to temples, especially new robes for the monks.

SBS is located on a hill. After we have parked our cars at the designated area at the foothill, the volunteers and RELA members will guide all participants to destiny. We reach there around  8am. 

There are 2 ways to get to the SBS kathina.
  1. the 4WD 
A convoy of 4WD car will send the elderly and the unfit/disabled to SBS and back down again after the ceremony. There will be waiting stations for the 4WD both at the foothill and in SBS.
      2. Walk 

The young and the fit are encouraged to walk up and down SBS using the short-cut route. First, you will be sent by shuttle service from a waiting station at the car park area to the beginning of the short-cut route. Then, you just need to take an approximately 8-minute walk from the beginning of the user-friendly short-cut route to reach the kathina site.

Highlights of the day
7:10 a.m.- Offering of kathina cloth
8:30 a.m.- Performance
9:30 a.m.- Offering almsfood and requisites to the Sangha
11:00 a.m. – Dhamma Talks in English by Bhante Aggacitta, in Hokkien by Bhante Kumara & in Burmese by Sayadaw Kevala

Breakfast & Lunch  provided for all devotees

For us, there was a little tired to climb up. Therefore we choose to take 4WD. Haha.

There was huge crowd of people and many stalls.

Aroung 10am, ceremony offering almsfood and requisites to the Sangha
There are about 12 Sangha.

11:00 a.m. – Dhamma Talks in English by Bhante Aggacitta, in Hokkien by Bhante Kumara & in Burmese by Sayadaw Kevala

Around 12pm, the events was finished. We walking down the hills. Nice View ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Walking along this nature trail promises to be refreshing and beneficial healthwise. Moreover, besides being kind to the environment, we will also be able to gain first-hand experience of walking the route that SBS monks walk barefoot daily to collect alms food. Furthermore, using the short-cut route will be a reward to the volunteers, mainly Burmese, who have spent many months of their Sundays manually paving it with concrete slabs specially for kathina devotees to walk on.
Although it very hot, but it was a meaningful and significant memory. 

The End~
  ♥                 ♥             ♥         

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